Monday, December 6, 2010

Flirting Brothers: Obama, Sarkozy, Berlusconi and

President of the United States of America here (USA), Barack Obama, recently attended a conference of the G-8 in Europe. While in Italy, Obama posed for a group photo with other members, including members of the Junior 8 (J8). During the photo session was called to a young Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro, Mayara Tavares former President Obama and President Nicolas Sarkozy in France. The two presidents Tavares peeping woman who passes, while Obama has helped another womandescent phase (multitasking). The image clearly shows admire Obama or Ms. Tavares noted back. This whole world, at any time because it was fun trip. But once arrived in the U.S., feminist women reported irregularities and called on Obama to act like a man. With feminist always, a man who acts like a man, that bad behavior and must be changed, if not impossible. These are the American media, led to a pinchlimit the damage. Especially before the ABC. Remember, it was George Stephanopoulos of ABC, which has a morning conference call with the chief of staff to Obama Rohm Emanuel, and two of the Democratic Party strategist James Carville and Paul Begal. The most recent ABC broadcast live on the evening news the White House to support President Obama's nationalized health care plan. ABC showed a video of the shooting and became the title luxurious French President Nicolas Sarkozy,then ...

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