Monday, October 19, 2009

Omega 3 and Brain - Discover How Omega 3 Can Help Improve Your Brain Functions

The relationship between omega-3 and the brain is very fascinating. Did you know that this lack of essential fatty acids can lead to conditions such as Alzheimer's, depression, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

It is important to note that 60% of the brain of fat and half of there, the fat is DHA? First, the main components of omega-3 have s (-3) are EPA and DHA, it is from these two fatty acids, which are the benefits of n-3 typically derived. Although some DPA> Health benefits, it has not done much study to determine their significance.

Results of studies on omega-3 and brain functions do suggest that DHA could be a powerful neuro-protector. Studies also show that omega-3 helps to improve brain functions such as memory, concentration and learning. Thus reducing the regular consumption of fish oil, which is the best source of n-3 the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, because their DHA content will help protect the nervous systemDegeneration.

Improving the ability of n-3 to neurological functions is what is useful, with ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. Regular intake of Omega 3 has led to improved efficiency of nerve impulses and neurotransmitters involved in the brain are associated features.

N-3 fatty acids in fish oil has been shown that very important for the formation and repair of neural-cell membranes, it also plays an important role in the development of the central nervous system in children. HenceLack of n-3 has been linked to disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Studies on omega-3 and brain functions has its deficiency are linked to depression, these important fatty acids (especially DHA content) helps in the formation of nerve cells, brain cell membranes, and the fluidity of the membranes. Changes in membrane fluidity affects the behavior of a person and negative moods, lack of reduced n-3 fatty acids and membrane fluidity by a mood swingsDepression.

Women suffering from postpartum depression, because pulling the developing fetus from the mother to DHA-depleting it, but studies show that gets a woman who has enough of these essential fatty acids through diet or supplement, reduces the risk of postpartum depression.

Studies on omega-3 and brain also show that young people take, the n-3 supplements regularly tend to have lower rates of aggression and hostility have.

Research has shown that regular consumptionof n-3 fatty acids by a mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding helps to increase the IQ of the baby. This is possible because the fatty acid has been shown to stimulate memory and learning ability.

You now have the important link between omega-3 and brain functions and ensure that you have a supplement containing DHA is highly Buy (250 mg) per capsule. You should also ensure that the contract will be cleaned with the process of molecular distillation, which is importantto prevent contaminated with toxic substances like mercury, lead, PCBs, insecticides or other heavy metals.

Visit my website for information on where to buy to supplement the pure omega-3, that DHA is rich.

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