Thursday, May 26, 2011

Food that kills - Part 4 of 6

Herbivore vs. Carnivore - You be the judge! Dr. M. Klaper Medical Statistics * the third leading cause of death in the United States is called "iatrogenic", which "means a patient by a physician activities, so induced, or therapy. "are about 225,000 deaths per year, about 10% of all deaths from all causes among the elderly. Of these, 12,000 deaths to avoid surgery. The main cause of deathThe United States is heart disease (725,000) and cancer of the second (549 000). Both were virtually unknown in the twentieth century. * 180 000 deaths each year from adverse reactions to prescription drugs. In comparison, the overall change in the lives of 98 000 accidents per year. This includes 42 000 road accidents, ** 120 aviation accidents, 90 by lightning and 5 Beaten ** Anthrax (2001). 15 500 murders and 20,000 die from influenza or itsComplications. ** On average, more than 3.2 decades ago, before the second division Snuff 435 000 poor diet and physical inactivity, alcohol 400 000 85 000 third rooms infectious agents (such as influenza and pneumonia) 75,000 fifth toxic substances (such as pollutants and asbestos) 55 000 43 000 road accidents 29 000 Sixth Seventh Eighth Firearms Sexual Behavior 20 000 17 000 * Addiction ninth Despite all the hype about how the U.S. medical system and how to win the war against cancerthis ...

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