Monday, September 21, 2009

Health & Wellbeing - What is it and Why is it Good For You

With all the discussion about health and wellbeing, it would probably be helpful to explain what health and wellbeing and, more importantly, why it is important to you? I'm sure there are many scientific and medical definitions that appropriately answer this question, but I'll give you my real life definition of health and well-being on personal experience.

I believe that health is about taking care of body and mind, so thatYou can perform most life. Welfare is when you begin to feel the benefits that feel through the effective management of your health and also includes all other aspects of life in the way you went about amazing experience can be created. To manage your well-being into account your mind and body, but it's relationships, work and life in general.

For this reason, I believe, health and well-being are closely linked. From a healthy mind and body,my well-being has improved because I have the physical ability, energy and positive outlook needed to create chances in life and overcome obstacles thrown, you have my way. I am quite happy healthy, but I also enjoy all the benefits that well-being that I get from leading a healthy lifestyle. I can eat well, treat me to focus on my relationships and achieve a lot in life because of the natural energy that I get from fit and healthy.

Let me give you an example, if I am feeling a bitFlat or down, I know that one of the best things I can do is to lift my spirits to go for walks. In my case, I find that walking gives me an outlet of my worries and time to recharge me again. After I have been a really amazing run, I feel much more positive and able to everything it was, that was me first deal worries. When I run the first time, I have to be fit, but now I'm actually the welfare benefits I just described motivated.

On the other hand, I have beenreally sick last week with a terrible virus. I am absolutely miserable the whole week and there have not been able to exercise for ages. I feel like shit. At the same time as sick, I try to get on this website, produce and live moving into a new apartment to start with my amazing partner. Needless to say, these fantastic changes in life that I am desperate to get in with, but both were put on ice, because I am sick to do either. Well, if I in my normal, healthy state of mindI would be able to see that it makes only a brief question and one weeks no difference. Instead, my disappointment festered in my sick body makes a negative attitude to creep in. The result was fired an irrational explosion of crappy mood wrong in my direction, Partner. Now I feel terrible and guilty, because no matter what you say is good or bad, you can never go back, and I know that if I was healthy, it would not happen. I think this example shows that somethingWe all know that can be unhealthy negative impact on all aspects of life.

So, after all, why is the health and wellbeing is important to you? Well, I have a few reasons why I experienced in my own life mentioned. Being healthy means you can live longer with better quality of life, because you can develop the physical and emotional arsenal in force. Managing your well-being can give your life, the richness and color that is more than an existence. Wellwith one with a positive outlook and natural resistance, which provides help you to maintain your relationships, take joy in life can survive and what obstacles thrown Get Your Way.

Now, as I said at the beginning, all this is not on the basis of a scientific journal. It is only my opinion based on personal experience, but hopefully gives you some ideas on how to manage your health and wellbeing to help you.

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