Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Holistic Health Care - Increased Use

It is increasingly recognized that Holistic Health Care [HHC] effective than traditional Western medicine. People are complex, multidimensional nature of the response to positive stimuli at all levels-mind, body and spirit, and that leave out one aspect and denying the others. Wellness is more than physical. Healthy and fulfilled individual contributions to better themselves and the world.

Holistic Health Care is designed to work withwhole being, so that all aspects of life are positive, productive and balanced. The society of the future, recognizes that to be healthy and self-realized, leading to a happier life.

A growing number of medical schools have started courses in Holistic Health Care, more private insurance plans have begun to recognize the value of certain forms of HHC and provided coverage in conjunction with conventional treatments, and in 1992 was a mandate from the Congress, theOffice of Alternative Medicine, a small unit within the National Institutes of Health that has been chartered to evaluate alternative therapies. Its annual budget has increased since the year 1993 between 1997 and 1998 by $ 12 million to 20 million U.S. dollars.

According to a nationwide survey of government in May 2004, 36 percent of U.S. adults aged 18 years and more than a form of HHC published. NCCAM, National Institutes of Health, Prevention Magazine A 2002 survey ofConsumer use of dietary supplements showed that an estimated 158 million consumers use dietary supplements, and spend about $ 8.5 billion per year. An estimated 22.8 million people use herbal remedies instead of prescription drugs, and an estimated 19.6 million use it with a prescription product. Similarly, an estimated 30.3 million used to use herbs instead of an over-the-counter medicines (OTC), while around 19 million euros herbs and OTC's together.

In 2002, GeoffreyCowley, Senior Editor of Newsweek reported: "We do not make more visits to non-conventional healers (some 600 million euros per year) than we do, MD, and we spend more of our money for the privilege - about 30 billion dollars per year from previous estimates. "

Use of Holistic Health Care in the U.S.:

Are in the United States, 36% of adults with some form of Holistic Health Care When mega vitamin therapy and prayer specifically for health reasons included, this figure risesto 62%.

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) describes a $ 228.9 billion U.S. market for goods and services focused on health, environment, social justice, personal development and a sustainable lifestyle. The consumers attracted to this market have been collectively referred to as Cultural Creatives and represent a larger group in this country. About 36 percent of adults in the U.S., or 60 million people are currently comprehensive holisticLifestyle.

Health Conditions Prompting Holistic Health Care Use:

People use HHC for a wide range of diseases and disorders. According to a survey, Americans are most likely to use it again for HHC, neck, head or joint pain or other painful illnesses, colds, anxiety or depression, gastrointestinal disorders or sleep disorders. It seems that most of the HHC is often used to treat and / or prevent musculoskeletal conditions or other conditions with chronic orrecurrent pain.

Reasons for Holistic Health Care:

In the survey, people were describing five reasons why they choose HHC use. The results were as follows (people could select more than one reason):

• HCC would improve health: 55%

• HCC would be interesting to use: 50%

• Conventional medical treatments would not help: 28%

• A conventional doctor HCC: 26% proposed

• Conventional medicineTreatments are too expensive: 13%

Results for Holistic Health Care:

No reports of deaths caused by Holistic Health Care is already published. One may well assume that if there was death from HHC, the reports would usefully be reported to the AMA is on the lookout for ways to discredit and to discount HHC practice.

Results for medicine, Health Care:

In 2001, the top 50 medical and surgical proceduresapproximately 41.8 million. These figures were taken from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.13 Using 17.6 percent from the 1974 U.S. Congressional House Subcommittee Oversight Investigation as the percentage of unnecessary surgical procedures, and extrapolating from the death rate in 1974, we come up with an unnecessary procedure number of 7.5 million (7,489,718) and a death rate of 37,136, at a cost of $122 billion (using 1974 Dollars).

Problems with medication patients were even higher the following year. The margin of error of pharmacists in this study was 24% intercepted so that the potential damage to a minimum number of patients with prescription drugs 417,908.50.

The main causes of adverse drug reactions are antibiotics (17%), cardiovascular medications (17%), chemotherapy (15%) and analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents (15%) .11.

The World Health Organization in 2000 ranked theUnited States 37th of 191 countries in health care.

• U.S. life expectancy is almost three years, on average, shorter than the Canadians, and about two years less than the French.

• The United States has more than $ 6,000 per person in health care in 2004, about double what France, Germany and Canada spent per capita.

Sources: World Health Organization of the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment

Results for Holistic Mental Health Care:

American Health Magazine reported the results of a comparative study.

• Psychoanalysis: Creates a 38% recovery after 600 sessions

• Behavioral: Creates a 72% recovery after 22 sessions

• Hypnosis: Creates a 93% recovery after 6 sessions

Results for the company:

What does this mean for society if the society understands and participates in the benefits ofHolistic Health Care?

• Few, if any sick days.

• Reduced absenteeism for businesses. CCH survey by Harris Interactive ®, the average per-employee cost of absenteeism was conducted, $ 789 per year in 2002, up from $ 755 in 2001, while absenteeism fell slightly to 2.1 percent from 2.2 percent in 2001.

• No side effects / adverse reactions.

• Minimum short-and long-term disability costs.

• Live a healthy and productiveLife.

• Live a healthy longer life.

• Few, if any, age-related diseases.

Companies like Apple, Google, Yahoo, AstraZeneca, IBM, 3M, Cisco, Solectron, Knokia, NASA, Sun Microsystems, Pacific Stock Exchange, Texas Instruments, Raytheon, Vortel Network offer free on-site classes in meditation.

The motivation is clear, meditation increases concentration, increases intuition, relieves fatigue, increases creativity and reves up the organizational skills.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dr. Thienna's Book Launch Speech

Sulfur and the basis for my book is structured. Sulfur has a large influence on skin color and health, and is generally overlooked as are important for human nutrition. As you probably can guess now that sulfur is a major determinant of skin color. Research has shown that light skin contains more sulfur than the darker skin. It was also noted that the amount of sulfur in the skin is not just a matter of genetic predisposition. Therefore, if you change the quantity ...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Spirit,Song and Sensation,Video seminar with Rajan Sankaran

Powerpoint slides. He shares his energy and spirit through all these presentations and also through a video of him singing an Indian raga. Disc 1: The Sensation Method Disc 2: The Sensation Method - Powerpoints & Song Disc 3: Illustrative Case Part 1 Disc 4: Illustrative Case Part 2 content of the DVDs: seminar and case taking plus 300 outlets. 1. Esalen lecture with over 400 powerpoint (PP) films. 2. Container with video statement, Separate PP films included. 3. Dr. Sankaran's Development ...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Forever Andy Hug

to fight at the tournament in October. I would want to fight against this disease in Japan and one day I will appear again with you. Do not lose hope! Greetings Andy Hug ~ 22nd August 2000 ~ On Thursday, died 24th August 2000, at 18:21 - Andy Hug at the age of 35 years. Real Name: Andreas Hug Nickname: Tetsujin Iron man in Japanese Height: 1.80 m (5 '11 ") Weight: 98 kg (216 lb) Nationality: Switzerland Date of birth: 7 September 1964 (1964-09-07) Birthplace: Wohlen, Switzerland Death Date: 24 August 2000 (at age 35 ...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama / Democrat healthcare plan is unconstitutional

Constitution. In this new document was added to the question of trade between Member States, Article 1, § 8, paragraph 3. Remember now, this was done to ensure a smooth transition of business between the states effect, nothing to do with health care in any form. These delegates ratified under the Constitution, went to the positions in the newly formed government to keep. Here is a list of government positions which they held: 15 senators, 10 members of the House of Representatives 6 ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ear Candles and Your Spiritual Health

Could a candle in your ear to help improve your mental health? Some spiritual healers and alternative practitioners believe ear candling can improve your mental wellbeing. They note that ear candles are designed for use in your years. You can never place any other type in your ear.

True believers in the benefits of ear candles, believe they can achieve much more than an improved ear conditions and other common health complaints. These people also believe that they Opportunity to improve your mental health. In fact, these candles were often used by the Native American and other ancient ancestors for this purpose.

The smoke and the heat of the candle should have the power to the body's natural (spiritual belt) energies. Those who believe that believe natural energies at work in every human being that a balance of these energies to good mental health is needed. In fact, a balanced distribution of energy that is needed for> Whole-body health for those who believe in such energy.

Ear candling is designed to have a relaxing and calming effect for many users. Reducing stress and calming atmosphere is believed to restore the body's energies. Is committed to improving mental health through the use of ear candles also believe that burning the candle directly opens up the natural energies of the body, so that they recover a reasonableEquilibrium.

There are ear candles for home use to check if you see an alternative therapy doctor if you try might want interested in ear candling. They are better educated to minimize the potential risks associated with the use of candles. Folk medicine and other practitioners can help to maximize the benefits of using ear candles for you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Health & Wellbeing - What is it and Why is it Good For You

With all the discussion about health and wellbeing, it would probably be helpful to explain what health and wellbeing and, more importantly, why it is important to you? I'm sure there are many scientific and medical definitions that appropriately answer this question, but I'll give you my real life definition of health and well-being on personal experience.

I believe that health is about taking care of body and mind, so thatYou can perform most life. Welfare is when you begin to feel the benefits that feel through the effective management of your health and also includes all other aspects of life in the way you went about amazing experience can be created. To manage your well-being into account your mind and body, but it's relationships, work and life in general.

For this reason, I believe, health and well-being are closely linked. From a healthy mind and body,my well-being has improved because I have the physical ability, energy and positive outlook needed to create chances in life and overcome obstacles thrown, you have my way. I am quite happy healthy, but I also enjoy all the benefits that well-being that I get from leading a healthy lifestyle. I can eat well, treat me to focus on my relationships and achieve a lot in life because of the natural energy that I get from fit and healthy.

Let me give you an example, if I am feeling a bitFlat or down, I know that one of the best things I can do is to lift my spirits to go for walks. In my case, I find that walking gives me an outlet of my worries and time to recharge me again. After I have been a really amazing run, I feel much more positive and able to everything it was, that was me first deal worries. When I run the first time, I have to be fit, but now I'm actually the welfare benefits I just described motivated.

On the other hand, I have beenreally sick last week with a terrible virus. I am absolutely miserable the whole week and there have not been able to exercise for ages. I feel like shit. At the same time as sick, I try to get on this website, produce and live moving into a new apartment to start with my amazing partner. Needless to say, these fantastic changes in life that I am desperate to get in with, but both were put on ice, because I am sick to do either. Well, if I in my normal, healthy state of mindI would be able to see that it makes only a brief question and one weeks no difference. Instead, my disappointment festered in my sick body makes a negative attitude to creep in. The result was fired an irrational explosion of crappy mood wrong in my direction, Partner. Now I feel terrible and guilty, because no matter what you say is good or bad, you can never go back, and I know that if I was healthy, it would not happen. I think this example shows that somethingWe all know that can be unhealthy negative impact on all aspects of life.

So, after all, why is the health and wellbeing is important to you? Well, I have a few reasons why I experienced in my own life mentioned. Being healthy means you can live longer with better quality of life, because you can develop the physical and emotional arsenal in force. Managing your well-being can give your life, the richness and color that is more than an existence. Wellwith one with a positive outlook and natural resistance, which provides help you to maintain your relationships, take joy in life can survive and what obstacles thrown Get Your Way.

Now, as I said at the beginning, all this is not on the basis of a scientific journal. It is only my opinion based on personal experience, but hopefully gives you some ideas on how to manage your health and wellbeing to help you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Andrew McMahon on Your Total Health

Andrew McMahon on your total health.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Water - Natures Cure For Total Health

I think we all are aware of the need for water in our daily lives. What I mean by the need for water, it is not just for drinking.

We use it for clothes, dishes, food, wash our bodies, and an infinite variety of applications that we could name them all.

But have you ever thought or realization that water can be an optimal treatment for our health.

Our body is made up containing 70% water, so it makes perfect sense why we need them and the need to constantlyReplenish our internal water supply.

I'm talking about the unlimited use of water for exercise, detoxifying the body, general health, healing properties, weight loss and beautify the body.

The greatest miracle in this resource is free!

If you read this article, I'll go like this you have probably read at least one, if not more articles about bottled water is no healthier then tap water. The only thing you really need is aWater filter system to keep harmful particles such as chlorine from the water you drink and cook with.

If you can install a shower filter or whole house water filtration system even better!

Pure filtered water is the elixir for the internal system of your body and external body.

We can exercise in water with a variety of exercises that strengthen our members, and build our cardiovascular system. The pool is our body in weightlessness andeliminate effects on our joints.

Various detoxification / Body cleansing programs use water as a main component in the flushing out of the internal organs.

Cleansing defined here as the conditions for cleaning from inside your system does not like showers (a little humor) is used.
· The supposed rule is 2 / 3 of your body weight in ounces of water to drink if you worked like a world-class athlete on our bodies 70% of fillingWater.
· Drink enough water so that when you urinate, the urine is clear.
• The consumption of water will keep your stool loose, so easy and regular bowel movements.
· Regular bowel movements will eliminate the rotting food in the intestines.
· Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid.
· Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals and nutrients with it, soFlush toxins from your body.
· Flushing your body helps to eliminate body odor, helps bags under the eyes, internal infections and beautify your skin.
· Internal infections can weaken the immune system and possible inflammation of the joints, and arteries.
· Tests have shown the proper daily intake of water helps to lubricate joints (not) be the solution.
· But drinking too much waterquickly lead to water intoxication, so remember to drink!

The list is only a few of the benefits of water as a remedy against all the help in its application to the cleaning and your health.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Recession-Proof Your Health

OK, we can all agree that this economy has given us is not it? Many of us struggle just to pay the bills, while others are entirely without work and looking for jobs. How healthy on earth do you stay out of depression and stay in this type of climate, if you're pinching pennies?

Well, there are a few tricks you can do to be your body and general health may come not so out of balance, such as your bank account. You do not need to sit the whole day will be crushed.

Here are someThings to do in order to ensure that your attitude is positive and your body, mind and soul healthy. Regardless of what is going on "out there."

Get some exercise! If you belong to a health club, there and not your workout. Exercise increases the endorphins in your brain and takes you in a better mood so it does not look so bad.
If you can not afford a health club now, you go on foot. This is one of the easiest and best exercises you can do to stay healthy.
Eathealthy, balanced meals. Our body does not need as much food as we put into them, so move more and eat less. Your body will thank you.
Watch a funny movie. Laughter actually helps heal the body, so that a good hearty laugh is important, every day.
For the same reason, stay away from stressful or depressing movies or TV shows. You will not make you feel better.
Meditate for 20 minutes per day. This lowers blood pressure and calms the mind and the body beautiful. Many health clubs, yogaCenters and even libraries offer programs for little or no money.
Read the self-help book that new author that you have to deal sense, too. If he can not be bought, then they will find in the library. It's free!
Get a massage. It is wonderful for the body, mind and soul. If you can not afford it, if you can barter with the masseuse. They only had a service or product they need.
Spend some time with children and see how careless they are. Remember, if youso would that be? You can again.

Remember, recessions and depressions is not eternal. The Roman Empire no longer exists, is not it? So, if things feel more intense, just breathe deeply and say to himself: "That too will pass."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cooking For Total Health - Sweeteners

Luci Lock from www.mercola.com explains the use of natural sweeteners xylitol and stevia.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cooking For Total Health 1 with Luci Lock

Healthy Cooking Tips According Metablic your way with Luci Lock www.Mercola.com

Monday, September 14, 2009

Total Health & Fitness

There are many reasons to get in better shape, most of which, depending on age - ranging from always in the form of a specific athletic competition to want to lose weight in order to strengthen confidence and physical appearance, even Doctor's Orders for improving cardiovascular health. Look at the time you are in the gym as an investment - the more time and sweat equity you spend, the less you have to lie on the things to spend your statin cholesterol in later life drop --provided that you develop intelligent, work on the general body condition and monitor the factors that affect your health in general.

A good total body workout is only part of the program, it takes planning and preparation to get the maximum benefit, and some major lifestyle changes in terms of their attitudes towards food. While an article of this length is not capable of all the detailed information, it is enough to give you a high level overview of the core --Concepts.

First you must connect to the caloric restriction - reducing calorie intake a little - with an increased cardiovascular workout. The easiest way to get back on calories with portion control, which is the most important lesson to Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, that you learn to see a meal in relation to its caloric value. Next, you need to shift to what you eat - away from heavy carbohydrate foods to those who participate in more protein, do not cut fat completely, because fatWhat says you're full.

Cardiovascular training can be relatively easy to set up: Just to emphasize walking more regularly as part of your daily routine. Park farther away from work or the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, if possible. These steps may seem simple, but they are enough to make the start to about 20 minutes of semi-regular exercise per day.

Once you've got to get the part of your routine, it's time for a total on this basis for the developmentPhysical fitness. They are a program with which you may want to live, which is a program that exercises that you enjoy doing. Each specific activity should be replaced with something we do you find fun - if you do not enjoy, it will exercise a chore, and as soon as possible, you are likely going to skip to the gym.

First, try a typical schedule for the resistance and strength training, walk three days a week, regular as clockwork, with one day between each of them. On the day of strength training,begin approximately five minutes long with a moderate cardio workout - you run a few laps, or spend some time on the treadmill. Then to stretch fatigue toxins in your body to process and resolve to break. You will find that this way significantly reduces the muscle pain of a good workout.

Next, do core body temperature strength exercises as a first layer of strength building. Core body exercises work your abdominal muscles and the lower and middle back muscles, you take it slow and takecarefully. Since these muscles are constantly in use, you tend not to notice how hard you work, until she had a little exaggerated. The goal here is not to get ripped abs, the goal here to build a foundation of strength is because your abdominal muscles, the muscles that are all your other workouts their workload to be submitted.

Exercises that build core body strength is that, even crunches (with and without weight kept on the chest) and back lifts, andhigh rep count sitting squat presses. When you do 30 to 40 reps on this, without burning much of one, you yourself have built up to the minimum strength standards.

If this foundation is set, it is time to work on specific muscle groups, usually together with a force in the torso, then lower body strength on the alternate days. The reason for this change is because when you're lifting, you are breaking down muscle fibers, and you want to give your body time toKnit newer, higher-density muscle back. Likewise, if you work your way, you should try to eat something heavy in digestible protein within half an hour to an hour after training to give you a maximum fitness and health - this gives your body the raw materials required for new muscle tissue, right when she's looking for it.